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  • August 04, 2021 10:55 AM | Kansas Society of Land Surveyors (Administrator)

    Fellow KSLS and NSPS members -- there is new information regarding the Ligado issue and the U.S. Congress!

    As a reminder, in April 2020 the F.C.C. approved the operating application for Ligado. Ligado being the reincarnation of what we knew previously to be "Lightsquared". This application approval by the F.C.C. happened very quickly and without hardly any notice. (make of that, what you will) Anyway, Ligado under its new name plans to pick up right where Lightsquared left off. And if allowed to would potentially create the GPS interference that Lightsquared was going to.

    As a result, NSPS along with many of the previous national collations have jumped into action. Long story short, two bipartisan bills have now been introduced into the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House, respectfully known as S. 2166 & H.R. 4634 both with basically the same language and purpose. These bills would require Ligado to cover the cost to correct any interference that will be caused to GPS. This doesn't eliminate Ligado but would hold them accountable.

    As your Kansas NSPS Director, I have been tasked with asking KSLS and you individually to contact our respective US Senators and US Representatives and directly ask them to Cosponsor these two Bills. Two different form letters have been created by NSPS for your use. All you need to do is fill in your information and then send it off to your US Senator and US Representative. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

    Jason Johnson, P.S. 1410

    Kansas NSPS Director


    House of Representatives Letter

    Senate Letter

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